Sunday, 22 May 2011

Food Chain.

So this is the first design I have chosen to print myself. Seems to be the most popular with everyone I have shown it too.Now its just a case of practise, practise, practise; with alot of screwing up thrown into the bag too, I dare say.

The actual design is something I had in mind for absolutely ages before finally drawing it and it turned out pretty well. I was intending it too have alot more intrecate detail, like some of my other designs, i.e, hair and scales etc. In the end, I think it works alot better without these things.

It is also the first branded 'Sushi in Paris' design. The prospect of printing under another label I co-own is exciting, as its been about 4 years since we dissolved 'Demo'.
Anywho, a couple of friends pointed me towards some other pieces of work with similar themes, which I liked so much I decided to pop them in a blog as it had been a while since I'd written one.

This is an incredible installation by Chen Wenling, which my friend Safia pointed me too, which is alittle hard to unsderstand at first glance, but shares a trait or two with my design.

Nothing unusual here, just a hippo, suspended from the ceiling, with a furious looking crocodile pertruding from its mouth, who also has a angonized man in his jaws. Oh and there is a shark biting the hippo on the arse. Brilliant.

How do you even come up with this concept, let alone execute it in such an amazingly polished way? Oh my kingdom for a ticket to Beijing.

This one has a nice feel to it too, which my SIP counterpart, Sophie,  showed me.

This kind of Russian art is strange, dry and bleak, which I have always been attracted too due to my depressing nature. It has an almost folk-law like quality to it too, perhaps due to the wood effect grain marks on the animals bodys. Anyway, its interesting and I like it.

Will hopefully start screen printing soon, so will have to write something on how that goes when it inevitably all goes wrong.

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