Monday, 2 May 2011

Rescue Rooms T-shirt Concept #1


Now that the t-shirt design for Rescue Rooms has been picked, I feel I can show some of my initial concepts which are not being used.

Whenever I am designing a t-shirt, and trying to brand something that people are going to wear, I always try and start off in the same way. You have to make it interesting, its not enough to just write 'AWESOME CLOTHING APPAREL!' on a shirt, and put some flowers and cool shit flying out of it. You need to remeber that people have to want to wear the shirt, its got to be beautiful or weird or clever. The design comes first, the text comes second. The text should purely be there to label what the design is representing, not vice versa.

Anyway, this is the first concept I came up with.

Doing a design for a club is hard, you have to try some embody the 'something-ness' of the venue. In the end, I just wanted to try and design something that was more like a illustration than a piece of graphic design. The parots were interesting to design as they are usually something people would associate with colour, but I had already decided that Black and White was the way to go. So I tried to contruct the parrot only giving the suggestion of its colour through varying sizes of feather. In the end I think it looked quite good, but I don't think I was quite clever enough with the text.

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